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Recognised location points on the KiwiRail network, including stations (passenger stops), yards, other operational and minor places. Some points exist for the ease of searching a known place-name on the network. Attribute information includes
Status (Station/passenger, Yard, Operational, Place)
Priority (high priority locations are passenger stopping points and yards, medium priority are other network operational areas, and low priority are place-names).
Data does not identify or categorise points as freight stops. Historical network locations are not shown. The location of the point does not represent the physical location of any feature, structure or boundary, and has been positioned in the general vicinity of the place/yard/station.
Supplied as ESRI Feature Service (point) in NZTM.
NZ railway network, each polyline object representing a separate line entity (eg, North Auckland Line, Main South Line), with attribute information identifying full line name. Includes the current operational rail network and also track not managed by KiwiRail. Information does not include the track status. Data includes all existences of railway track, but does not include proposed, historical or uplifted tracks.
This data is suitable for mapping but not for survey accurate information or exporting to CAD for design (does not include true track geometry/design or elevation).
NOTE: for a more accurate and detailed version of KiwiRail track data (categorising each track asset by type), please use 'KiwiRail Track Centreline'.