Description: Significant Natural Areas from Recommendation Database including changes for Consent Orders that are still to be finalised / Approved. Copy of Boundaries from 06_2010 with significance field added and calculated from previoiulsy supplied data set that was missing sna's SNA 81 Boundary along road shifted to legal parcel. (no other boundaries updated to match parcels).SNA 87 bdy updated. Also the name of "Lake Rotoma Scenic Reserve Extension" was removed.As at 20 October 2014 some SNA boundaries were reviewed by Wildlands in response to submissions to the District Plan. This dataset includes all submission based changes. This dataset is the set that will be used in the Decisions version November 2014 District Plan. NOTE that this does not include the work that identified new SNA's under EBOP's new/updated specs. These will most probably come in as a variation.As at June 2016 - This is the dataset used for the Operative District Plan