Description: The Street Network Database (SND) is a representation of the physical, land based, improved, travel pathway infrastructure and associated theoretical address ranges. The pathway representation consists of Segments and Intersection elements. A Segment is a linear graphic element that represents a continuous physical travel path terminated by path end (dead end) or physical intersection with other travel paths. Segments have one streetname, one address range and one set of segment characteristics. A Segment may have none or multiple alias streetnames. Segment types included are Freeways, Highways, Streets, Alleys (named only), Railroads, Walkways, and Bikelanes. SNDSEG_PV is a linear feature class representing the SND Segment Feature, with attributes for Streetname, Address Range, Alias Streetname and segment Characteristics objects. Part of the Address Range and all of Streetname objects are logically shared with the Discrete Address Point-Master Address File layer.
Description: An unofficial delineation of neighborhood boundaries used by the City Clerks Office. Sources for this atlas and the neighborhood names used in it include a 1980 neighborhood map produced by the Department of Community Development, Seattle Public Library indexes, a 1984-1986 Neighborhood Profiles feature series in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, numerous parks, land use and transportation planning studies, and records in the Seattle Municipal Archives. Many of the neighborhood names are traditional names whose meaning has changed over the years, and others derive from subdivision names or elementary school attendance areas.